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Default Dead Raccoon Trapped Under Deck -- What to Do?

can you not just remove one or two boards to get to it?
"mm" wrote in message
On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 00:47:55 -0400, mm



Hope someone can help.

I have a dead raccoon trapped under my deck. Problem is

that it is in a
location I can't reach unless I tear the deck apart. I

have no problem
letting it decompose naturally but the stench is bad and

I am worried

Personally I don't think it will cause disease. Depressing

topic but
someone on the news pointed out that the dead bodies from

wouldn't cause disease even if they weren't buried quickly.

To reply to my own post, it was after the tsunami in the far
east that
I heard some scientist on the radio say this. Then I heard
repeat it after Katrina, that people killed by other than
disease are not a health hazard (for quite a while?)

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