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The propane-powered 'Mosquito magnet' works well, though it is
expensive... But I think it's the single best way to "kick mosquito
butt" without spraying chemicals on your skin. Or build a bat house -
if you can get some bats to move in, it's an excellent, safe way to
make a significant dent in your mosquito population. Of course, if you
have buckets or tires or anything else full of water that could be
emptied, that would reduce mosquito breeding area and eventually sort
of kick their butt. Deet is probably safer than West Nile or EEE, but
at high concentrations it does disolve some kinds of plastic, so be
sure to watch that.
You could try some of the stuff you spray on your clothes (containing
permethrin), which is supposed to last 6 weeks or so. I used some for
hiking, and it worked pretty well - not perfect, but much better than
nothing. It is plant-based and 'natural', but that doesn't necessarily
make it healthy - cyanide and hemlock are both made in plants also. As
long as you don't spray it on yourself, though, it should be fine on
your clothes.
Good luck,