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Nick Müller wrote:

Peter DiVergilio wrote:

It compresses the valve springs on flathead engines.

Oh, a hammer would do that too!
This tool is so dammned crude, that it might work for a huge engine. But
no one having a bit of brain would work on a 4-stroke with that thing.

Let's take a closer look at it:
- teeth on the outside: Would anybody like to ruin the surface with
them? Do you want to wedge it between the spring and the case? And if,
it's quite a stupid way to go.
- teet again: If it is to compress (and it only can compress something),
what are the teeth good for?
- The slot. Well, a valve stem would go in there, but could you reach
the keys that hold the valve spring retainer? Think about where the
retainer contacts the tool. Not a good contact surface _and_ it _must_
be parallel, or the retainer will tilt and lock on the stem.

All the valve-spring compressors I have seen look more like a C-clamp
with _parallel_ surfaces.

I really can't believe that.


Well you better believe it because he is right.
Strictly speaking though, last century, such devices were called
valve lifters, the term valve spring compressor, is a relatively
modern term.

I've posted a pic to the dropbox:
