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Mike Mitchell
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Default How long before one fires one's estate agent and gets another?

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 15:36:44 +0100, mogga

On Wed, 02 Jun 2004 07:03:31 +0100, Mike Mitchell

My house isn't selling, and I am just not getting enough viewers
through the door. Time to think about getting a different agent, I

What do you think?

The house has been on the maket since the end of March and reduced
twice (I think the starting price was too high a valuation).

How many viewings does it take on average before a buyer is found and
how can I judge that I'm not jumping out of the frying pan into the
fire by moving to a different agent?

Is the market (South-East) as buoyant as many agents keep telling me?
Or are they all engaged in wishful thinking?


Have you talked to the agent about the issues you've raised?

Some. But when said agent is a very decent cove and appears to be as
puzzled as I am, what can I say?

If you
think they're targetting the wrong sort of people then have you
mentioned this to them?

No, but I will. However, if they habitually attract unsuitable buyers
for this type of property, then they will have to agree that they are
probably not the right mix for me.

Do you have other similar houses nearby sold recently?

As I said in response to Owain, none nearby. However, a vaguely
similar property was sold some weeks ago several streets away. It
first fell through after having been sold in a matter of days. Then it
took another couple of weeks to sell it again. Apparently the survey
had uncovered something the first time. However, we are not really
comparing like with like here, as the location is different, the
parking is different, the noise is far greater (there) and there are
other differences.

Who were they
with? How much did they go for? Could you ask other estate agents for
a valuation with a view to moving agent?

That's what I'm about to do. I have another agent coming on Friday.

If your house is suitable for first time buyers it might be that it is
too expensive for them - and if its too nicely done up for developers
then they won't want it either (And it'll also be too expensive for

If your house looks brand new - then maybe you've over-doctored it?

My bro said it looked brand-new, but that's just because he's used to
seeing it like a tip! However, it does now look very tidy, clean,
uncluttered and light. It would make a perfect home for many a young
couple to move into, say, from their starter flat. By the way, I had
cards in newsagents windows around here as well for about four weeks
and got precisely two (count 'em!) calls! These cards were not just
scribbled out, but I bought some postcard stock from Staples (the sort
with the microperfs) and did a proper job with my LaserJet. I have
since renewed the cards after they ran out of time, but the revised
ones (with the new price) have been in for a week and not a sausage.
Several people have told me that they think the market is about to
crash and that is why no one is buying. (It's not just my house that
isn't moving; I know of at least six in the village with different
agents that have been on sale for months.)

Bear in mind its not numbers of viewers thats important - its the
right sort - ones who can afford it and are looking for a house with
the things yours has.

Yep. That elusive buyer is tucking right now into his Kentucky Fried
Chicken megabucket and three gallons of Coke. Alternatively, it may be
a young, upwardly mobile couple who are unwrapping their Waitrose
sushi and sipping rice wine from John Lewis flutes. Me, I've just had
Asda spare rib steaks with Tesco fried rice... in front of the telly!
I believe there is a bottle of genuine German lager in the fridge.

You could also trawl some of the local agents shops and look at
propertys - and how they treat you when you go in.

You could also try some online house selling sites.

Do you know of any? I did do a trawl on Google, but the trouble with
Google is that you can sometimes be overwhelmed with hits.

By the way, thanks to all these responses from everyone! Most
appreciated. When I've moved I'll throw a surprise party. Well, the
new owners will be surprised anyway! Nah, only kidding. You've got to
find some humour in the whole sorry saga somehow otherwise you can go
mad with waiting.