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Owen Lowe
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In article ,
wrz0170 wrote:

I am a 2436 owner and unfortunately, cannot comment on the 1640. I
can tell you that whatever you decide, it will be pretty much the last
lathe you buy!

It really doesn't make a difference where you buy the lathe
because the price will be the same no matter where you go. Keep in
mind though, if you get it dropped off at a place like Woodcraft or
similiar you will have to get it home. Not sure of your logistics, but
something to keep in mind.

I ordered mine directly from Oneway and had it shipped to my
house. The driver was nice and put it in my garage for me. from
there, it was up to me to get it into my shop.

Now, for your questions regarding the 1640, best place to ask that
is at the horse's barn itself! Try he

The guys at Oneway are great about answering questions about their
lathes and other products.

I'm making a composite reply to not only your post above William, but
others who replied to the group as well as private email - you guys know
who you are.

OK! OK! I guess it does look sorta silly re-reading my post. For the
difference in lathe prices it wouldn't be that smart to pinch dollars on
the front end if down the road I feel the need to go through the selling
and ordering/shipping process and costs again. Especially since I have
design ideas in mind at the moment that would exceed the 16" capacity -
and making do has never been my style - much to my wife's consternation
(but Honey, when I asked you to marry me I picked the best of the
best.). Though I thought about being able to easily sell the 1640 if the
time came to up-size again, I don't think I'd like to face an inevitably
higher 2436 price several years down the road or the hard sell to the

As to which dealer to buy from, I'm in a waiting mode for the local
Woodcraft to get back to me on whether the lathe would be eligible for
the 10% off sale next week - that will at least cover the shipping. Past
employees have said that it would qualify but the new owner may have
other beliefs. Then again, there's always the Eugene, OR, Woodcraft to
try if the Tigard one comes to a dead end.

Stubby Lathe: I seriously considered the Stubby, but I really do an
equal mix of spindle and bowl type turning. I'm also considering hanging
a shingle out for architectural and furniture turning jobs and think the
more traditional lathe design of the Oneways would better suit that
endeavor. Also, within a few seconds of effort I can think of at least 7
or 8 local Oneway owners/friends/acquaintances - should the need arise
to borrow an extension or try out a hollowing rig or something like that
it would be pretty easy to find the right person to beg.

I have done some very preliminary emailing with Kevin at Oneway. The
reason I didn't pose my 1640 questions to him was that I wanted an
owner's opinion rather than the company's. I know Oneway has some of the
best design and quality in the business and don't doubt their confidence
in the 24" capacity of the 1640. But this either says the 2436 is
over-designed and built or the 1640 is 24" capable but not particularly
designed to take that stress day in and day out.

Question: I've got my turnery in the basement of my old house (down a
narrow flight of stairs), do the Oneways easily disassemble to the basic
components - in other words, do the legs, bed tube and headstock
separate without major work to the electronics?

Question: Coming from a 3/4 HP (or is it 1HP?) Delta midi - I'm looking
at a 2 HP Oneway. If one is not turning 18"+ work from rough to finish
on a regular basis would the 2 HP be suitable or is the 3 HP the only
way to go? In what turning situations would one see the power difference?

thanks so much for the patience and help in taking this hugemongous step.

Owen Lowe

Northwest Woodturners,
Cascade Woodturners,
Pacific Northwest Woodturning Guild
Safety Tip'o'th'week: Never grind aluminum and steel or iron on the same
machine or workstation - Thermite.