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"He's not my president. Therefore I call him Mr. Bush. I don't
endorse the results of either the 2000 or 2004 election. Both
were rigged. "

See, that's the really sad part. There are jerks like you with this
attitude, that want to divide the country for political purposes, while
the US is facing enemies that are trying to destroy us and everything
we stand for. I didn't agree with a lot of what Clinton did either.
But I would never say he was not my president. As for the elections
being rigged, no rational person believes that. There is absolutely no
question that Bush won an decisive victory in 2004. And numerous
respected major papers later went over the Florida ballots and
determined that with every counting system and method they tried, Bush
still would have won.

Here in NJ, we had a real election stolen. Under NJ law, parties
cannot change candidates past a certain date, about a month before
election. Seems a perfectly valid and reasonable law. After all, we
want time for people to figure out who's running, what they stand for,
etc. Well, the Democrats chose to run Bob Toricelli for re-election,
despite the fact that he was mired in scandal. Weeks before the
election, with his poll numbers in the tank, he decided to quit the
race. So, the Democrats brought a case that went to the NJ supreme
court, which is full of liberal Democrats. They proceeded to set aside
the law, saying it was more important that people in NJ have an
election choice. Apparently, the fact that there were still several
candidates running wasn't enough. So, the allowed Lautenberg to show
up at the last minute and win the election.

But, here's the difference between us. I think what was done was
wrong and illegal. But I still acknowledge that Lautenburg is now one
of MY senators.

But in the end, it's guys like you that have destroyed the Democratic
party and allowed the Reublicans to rise. Only one Democrat has one
national office in 29 years. And during that period, the Democrats
have lost control of both the Senate and House. No one is going to
elect people from a party that has been taken over by kooks like you,
Michael Moore and Howard Dean. Democrats like Kennedy, Truman, and
Roosevelt would be revolted by what the party has become.