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  #15   Report Post  
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"I didn't read your whole post, but what you are suggesting is using a
multiwire circuit for a 240v circuit. Since that is what a multiwire
circuit really is, there is no fundamental reason it can't be
assuming it is on a 240v breaker rather than a pair of 120v breakers. "

I think you read it right the first time. This PaPaPeng is a hack.

And so is toller. If he doesn't know that one leg of 120 is neutral then
he should go learn something about electrical wiring before posting his


never mentioned a word about the necessity of the need for a 240V
breaker, so that both legs get disconnected together. And only a hack
would think of re-routing wiring already in place in kitchen outlets to
make a 240V outlet. And there are some very good reasons why this
advice is bad and dangerous. For, example, the OP doesn't know
anything about even who to call to put in an outlet, you think he's
going to know that typical 14 gauge wire you find at a 120V outlet is
going to melt if you try to run a dryer with it? I hope PaPa has lots
of fire extinguishers and insurance!