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"Fred" wrote in message
I have a building in San Francisco where I had a licensed contractor did
some major work. A permit was pulled, contractor did the work, I was shown
a final inspection (so I thought) from this contractor so final payment was
released. Now many years gone by and now trying to sell the property, my
real estate agent requested a (CCR?) report and to my dismay the San
Francisco building department stated no final permit was issued for this
work. Permit expired long ago, now what?

What in the world are you asking here for?

Ask the real estate agent to research what to do. If they don't know, ask
their broker. Ask the building department. If that fails, contact a
lawyer. There are solutions for every problem.

You could only be asking for a very, very, very big problem asking advice
here instead of just the big problem you now have.

I am sure that this is not the first time that this has happened, and it
won't be the last. Find out what other people did in the same situation.

The advice you get here is free, and worth all you paid for it.
Professional advice that you pay for will at least have ethical guidelines
that you can lean on if it is erroneous.

What are you going to do here if you get bad advice?

Flame them?

That'll show 'em.

Now, get on it, and let us know what you find out.
