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The 'right' leaning politicians are hostile to
a person's behaviour rights, whether it is religious practice,
sexual activity, grooming and clothing, performance and fine art
and so on.

I can't say I agree with you. To me, it seems that the left is
attempting to put limits on my free speech with its move for political
correctness. It appears the left is trying to disallow Christians and
believers in God from exercising their religious freedom or expression
(except if you wish to express positive things about Islam, the left
still permits that!) If you consider a crucufix placed in a bottle of
urine fine art, then yes, "right" leaning politicians are (and should
be) hostile to funding it. Also, can you imagine the uproar if an
"artist" put the Koran in a jar of urine. He would be lambasted by the
left for not being "sensitive." Yet when one objects to paying with
public funds for "art" that displays an anti-Christian messages, that
person is labeled a Neanderthal.

The double standard is sickening!
