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Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

How did the damned thing get in there? Here's an idea: Get thee to a fishing
tackle shop. Get a spool of the heaviest monofilament line they've got, and
either a very heavy lure with large treble hooks, or have them help you rig
treble hooks with an inline trolling sinker. Start fishing.

"Alan" wrote in message
Problem is the way the deck was constructed, I can't pop up any boards and
get to him. Stupid design, but my only option is to either dismantle a
huge section of deck or cut into it.


"Oscar_Lives" wrote in message

"Alan" wrote in message

Hope someone can help.

I have a dead raccoon trapped under my deck. Problem is that it is in a
location I can't reach unless I tear the deck apart. I have no problem
letting it decompose naturally but the stench is bad and I am worried

I can see it through the cracks in the deck and can pour liquid or
(maybe) on the carcass.

Any suggestions as to what I can do would be greatly appreciated as I am
trying to avoid tearing
apart the deck.



Pop a couple of decking boards up, reach down and pull that sucker out.
Get him quick while he still has rigormortis. Once he bloats, you risk
pulling a limb off or popping him open and releasing thousands of

Good luck.