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wrote in message
Makes sense, but now for some "dumb" questions:

What is the role of the real estate attorney? Does the buyer and seller
each need another attorney on top of the real estate attorney? If so,
what is their role?

Depends on what state you are in -- I am almost postive NJ requires an
attorney in real estate deals - not sure but I definately used one.

And yes you want your own attorney - you do NOT want to share an attorney -
you want your own to look out for your best interest (i.e. in the contract
you want to make sure that if you find something not working you can
negoitate an amount off the purchase price to fix the problem or the seller
has to fix it, what if there are items not up to code during the inspection
and you want to back out - do you get your deposit back, etc.).

My attorney handled everything -- getting the title, title insurance, worked
with the condo assoc to confirm association fees, reviewed my mortgage
contract to make sure what was told to me was what they actually wrote in
fine print, etc.