Thread: IE - RIP
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Default IE - RIP

On Thu, 14 Aug 2003 22:46:21 +0100, Grunff wrote:

IMM wrote:

Will you please put me on your killfile.

That is quite possibly the stupidest request I've ever had!!

hmm. he may have a point for a change - I kill filed him and things
were nice and peaceful since by and large, but the only rancid little
reminder I get of his existence is when you reply to something he's
dribbled, and if you had him kill filed, then it wouldn't be there.

If someone's ****ing you off, you don't beg them to killfile
you, you killfile them. Which part of that logic defeats you?

So using the logic, I have to point out, people who frequently feed
the troll are under consideration for the kill file, which is not what
I would want to have chosen as a solution, as you often make sense as
a group, as far as I can tell. The Logic is compelling as you say, but
this can't make for a best solution despite how logical it is. Bottom
line is - he's a pain so I kill file him and all of you who feed him?
how the hell is that a good solution? ;O) Mind you he isn't "****ing
me off" as you say, but I'd rather not read all the same, so maybe
this means the application of the logic is wrong? Life's too short for
this! ;O) sigh

If only the longer term members would KF him, then maybe, with a
reduced platform, there'd be less point him being here, of course the
flaw in that is that he has to be bright enough to see it too,
but......... ;O) Nuff said.

Take Care,
{too thick for linux}