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On 31 May 2005 21:08:27 -0700, someone wrote:

Ok, so now it's time to sell the property. How does the fact that this
rather large shed has been built.... how COULD it affect the
transaction and life after the transaction?

AFTER the transaction? Nothing, no effect, the transaction is done.

Before? Well, is there an affirmative disclosure law in your state or
is it don't ask don't tell. So Buyer asks and Seller says, "Nah, I
just built it myself, no permit". So what then. If Buyer is anal,
Buey has a panic attack and doesn't buy, or wants it torn down and
removed, or wants it "inspected". If Buyer is laid back, he says "so
its been there for X years and they never bothered you - looks pretty
nice, I could use that" - and lets it stay.

What's the problem?

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