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Duane Bozarth
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Robatoy wrote:

In article ,
Larry Jaques wrote:


P.S: A man who "drops that kind of money" there usually doesn't buy
from the B&D line.

LOL... ...

Actually, what appears as a significant amount of money from your
perspective is probably totally insignificant when looking at their
total volume...I ran into that opinion (and on occasion hold it myself
when not thinking of the big picture) when working w/ vendors in
previous life. Even significant expenditures can and do pale when
compared to actual sales volume of large retailers/vendors.

I recall once many years ago going into a car dealership w/ which I
had dealt for some time at a model year end thinking it would be
reasonable to expect them to want to move old models. When I asked a
member of the family who owned the dealership something on the order of
"Have anything you need to get rid of quickly?" his answer was "Yeah,
all of 'em!". Great lesson!!!