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  #8   Report Post  
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Chuck the old PSU and buy one to ATX specs. Personally, I doubt that there
will be much, if anything, worth saving from the original machine. Even when
I absolutely *had* to use the case from an AT machine (the bloke I was
upgrading it for had had furniture specially built for it and nothing else
would fit) I ended up cutting a hole for a new fan as the cooling wasn't
good enough without.

the ones I have been trying are atx...and i'm very closwe to junking
the whole lot but the idea was to create a cheap second pc to use the
internet on with a cheap 20ukp wireless card installed.

The irony is the computer never worked properly in the first place.
TXPro2 motherboard that never recognised the wireless network card and
wouldn;t reinstall windows properly....hence the attempt at installing
a new board bought fresh from a computer fair....

Thanks again, all...


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