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b wrote:
A few more for the collection....

the same
time enslavement and self-mockery, self-mutilation....
.....There are no moral phenomena at all, only a moral interpretation
of phenomena."

-F. Nietzsche

We have not yet scratched the surface. Most of this religion was
concieved and/or "interpreted" for us by the Pharises. They don't
believe in any afterlife whatsoever and they want it all now, in this
corporeal life, thus they need others to give it up in the name of
making themselves richer. Zionists are the modern embodiment of those
people, and the Catholics are their unwitting allies, along with
probably 80% of the rest who claim to be Christian. One of the branches
of the Protestants actually resolved to remove themselves from
investments that involved Zionist interests. They were threatened.

Now let me ask you, who is it that threatened them ? Who do you think ?

Despite Christianity's up front charity, I see it as the most selfish
religion in the world. Turn the other cheeck and guess what, most
assailants will hit that cheeck and the proceed to rob you and your
family, and possibly rape your Wife or whatever. You might live out in
the wilderness and they will steal even what you NEED to survive, so
you and your family dies, but it's OK because you are going to heaven.

Let the world go to hell in a handbasket, as long as I'm OK.

I admit I haven't done much to change the world, it's a tall order and
I simply don't have the means. I do firmly believe that what we don't
need is more of these Christians who will not stand up to "evil" in
their own backyard but believe that we should be bombing Iraq.

I don't believe their interpretation, one small piece of "proof", why
did Jesus throw the moneychangers out of the temple ? Didn't sound like
he turned the other cheeck, at least not his own. He stood up for what
is right, and these supposed Christians of today only do that based on
the church teaching. They are taught not to have a mind of their own.

The whole thing reminds me of an old episode or Star Trek original
where everybody was under the strict control of Landreau. Kirk wrecked
the computer and the people had no idea what to do with themselves.
It's a pity we can't do this here.

Nietzsche called it nihilistic, a loose translation at best. The root
of the word annihilate. Now sometimes the prefix an- would make it a
negative, but there are other exceptions in the English language. Even
if it is "life"alistic instead of "death"alistic, it means some other
life than this corporeal one we appear to live.

Another thing, another contradiction is that while it is wrong to take
your own life no matter what, it is OK do let someone kill you. Genius,
pure genius on the part of those who obviously don't it believe because
they invented it. Euthenasia is a perfect example. Not only is it wrong
to blow your own brains out, even if you have terminal cancer and have
a week to live while your twin bother got shot and it obliterated a
vital organ and is otherwise in good health, it's still wrong even if
you are in constant excruciating pain that cannot be helped by drugs.
You are supposed to sit there and pray. Utter bull****. No leader of
mine wants that.

Anyway, I don't want to run this thread into eternity, so I'm going to
stop. If not I would be clogging up the NG and that's exactly what I
complained about. I don't play "do as I say not as I do", my simple,
paganistic, inferior and supposedly non-existent morality won't let me.

The email is good in the aol domain. If you want to continue this you
can get ahold of me. ZZactly. We can also take it to another NG if you
know where. A Christian NG would not ne appropriate, I don't want to
offend those who don't offend me. ( not bad for a heathen animal eh ? )

I would really prefer a NG instead of email, I want to be public about