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Around here in S.E. MI my local retailers carry the Rust-oleum
Epoxy-shield garage floor version and a Epoxy-shield basement floor

I have the prototype version of the Tan Rust-oleum garage Epoxy-coat(I
bought the product at a flea market for $20 a gallon and needed to find
more and was instructed to go to Lowes or H.D and look for the
Rust-oleum brand.) and I have to say that it has stood up well to the
abuse that I have put it through so far! The $50 a gallon price tag was
a little hard to swallow when I needed to get more, but, I'm happy now.
OH, and it didn't go as far as the instructions stated it would. I
needed to apply 3 gallons fairly sparingly to cover an 18'x20' garage
floor. If you want your floor to look some-what smooth without most of
the texture of the concrete you may need more. And, YES, I found out
the hard way that it can be and is slipery when wet! Call a sand blast
supply house for the different types/textures of grits that can be
applied during the installation of your epoxy floor(this is what the
pro's use/do). The Epoxy coating that I bought, had a bag of what
Rust-oleum calles terazzo flakes(dried multi-colored chips of the very
same epoxy that is being applied) that is to help aid with the
slippery-ness when wet, I didn't like the effect and did not apply it,
because I felt that it made the floor to "busy" and if you dropped
anything small(screw, spring) you would have a hard time finding it.

I had a couple of heavily oiled down spots that I had used Castrol
super clean to help to try to disolve the oil spots, I scrubbed my ass
off. So far the Epoxy hasn't peeled or flaked yet over those areas. The
kits that I had bought had an instruction video that was supplied and
had warned me not to pre-etch the floor with a muratic acid type
solution, but I did anyways, and then neutralized it with baking soda,
then applied the supplied formula.
Did you buy a kit type form that includes an etching agent? IF you
wish, I still have the instruction video from the rust-oleum Epoxy coat
floor finish that came with the epoxy that I put down around here, if
you pay for the shipping, I'll mail it to you, I'll even pitch in the
flakes that I didn't use. Tracy

I am going to paint my shop (garage) floor with epoxy paint.

Rustolium sells
two grades, "Garage floor paint epoxy " and "Industrial epoxy" paint.

purchased the "Industrial" quality on the assumption that if it cost

more and
is more difficult to apply that it must be better. Does anyone have
sugestions/precautions/advice on applying these products? How good

are they?
