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Glenna Rose
Posts: n/a

As far as I'm concerned, Rossi won. He got the vote two out of three times
but the one they decided to go with was the inherently less acurate hand
count. Our system is screwed.

Ain't that the truth?!!! Too bad there isn't one that can override the
the human factor, but then we'd likely complain there's no humanity in it.
Aren't we humans a weird lot?


Three counts, three different sets of numbers. I would not trust any of

Now if they were in my back yard, the two of them have to play together
(nicely) or sit quietly until they did. Suppose we could get them to
co-govern? I'm betting there are folks who wish Locke had waited to start
his family and was still governor, if only so this mess wasn't happening.

What would one call an elected official, officials in this case, comprised
of a democrat and a republican? democan comes to mind but that sounds
much like garbage can where the entire mess belongs. I must admit that I
was looking forward to Nov. 3 when it was all over. Naive, naive me.

Politics would be more palatable if the politicians were to have a good
hobby that produces something, like woodworking, boat building, gardening,
painting, knitting, sewing, etc., which might make them more satisfied
with themselves and not so like-they-are, or such is my opinion.

Moving away from all of that. Would masonite be a good choice for the
bottom "layer" of a circular saw guide for plywood? I went to HD last
night to get some (forgot it when I was at the lumber store yesterday
getting the other stuff and had a truck available) but they couldn't cut
it for me so it didn't come home with me (I have a Toyota Prius, first
generation so not a hatchback, and it'd have to stick out the front
window). It would have been cut one piece to 18" wide for the 8-foot
piece and the rest cut down to a bit less than four feet so it'd fit in
the car. I've gotten rather good recently at knowing what size wood has
to be to fit in my car, and how much of it will fit. g Oh, a 32" tall
by 36" long by 12" deep bookshelf will fit, barely (that was a two-trip
gift since it was one of a pair).

Not having a pickup stinks sometimes!
(but I *do* love my Prius)