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Silvan wrote:
patrick conroy wrote:

They went to sleep pretty quickly.
But damn, I'm too excited to.

Sadly, this is the year Silvan grew up, I guess. I don't have enough

to fill a Barbie sized thimble.

I hope everyone else is having a more enjoyable time of it this year.

Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621

In the when you think your life sucks department:

Could be worse. My father in law passed away yesterday 'bout noon
(brain metastasis of of renal cancer caused a blood vessel to pop about
a week ago -- major intra-cranial bleed did a lot of damage, tumor too
wound in to be removed, and it was all down hill from there -- guys go
out there and write those living wills, it's the kindest thing you can
do for your loved ones in a case like this). Really hit my wife, MIL,
and 6 yo son hard The three year old son really doesn't grok it. The
two girls (11m and 5wks) are young enough to be blissfully ignorant.

The grey clouds of the household are balanced by the fact that the
girls are celebrating their first Christmas -- one foster/pre-adopt,
one new born bio-kid. The foster was the FIL's favorite toy --- MIL
spent much of the day hugging and playing with her. I've spent the
last 36 hours trying to strike a balance between being with the living
(kids, Christmas etc) and supporting the mourning.

'spose I'd better drag this on forum somehow --- here's a half hearted
On the upside SWMBO got me a nice convex spokeshave and a sweet little
Japanese detail saw.
Now I just gotta find the motivation/energy. Maybe I'll go rough out
something tomorrow on the lathe tomorrow.
Merry Christmas to all.
