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Default Making a ruin into something habitable.

IMM wrote:

"Peter Crosland" wrote in message
Why is that? Why is it that we have laws like that? Do the
majority of people really believe that this is the right way to
control what is built and where?

Much more likely that the vast majority of the populace have little idea

what the detailed rules are nor the fact they are complex and filled with
anomalies. The so called United Kingdom is anything but when it comes to

law. Get out there and campaign if you want the government to change!

Good idea. Only 7.5% of the land mass is built on inc gardens creating an
artificial land shortage. The country is filled with open fields, of which
many are subsided out of our money to do nothing while we are all crammed
into urban areas in small tiny plots and houses. Sensitive areas need some
sort of regulation, but the rest is just open fields.

Interesting; When I visited the UK in 2000 after a continuous
absence of 40 years and experience of life style on this side of
the Atlantic (during which we built two houses ourseleves on
purchased land) I couldn't understand why there were housing
shortages and such UK high housing costs. UK is now prosperous so
that would account for some of the higher costs, also the more
substantial style of 'brick' building, but for a typical house on
a small piece of ground to cost four times that in say Canada or
the US?
Also looking around the UK there was lots of land. Much of it
seemingly doing nothing? Some of it cultivated and no doubt there
is a need for some historical acreages. Maybe 'unused' land
should be the property of 'the crown' i.e. the government, as
much of it is elsewhere. For example if I apply for and get a one
acre summer cabin 'lot' I pay certain small fees to the province
for survey and description, must pay an annual rental fee, meet
all conditions of use, i.e. MUST build within certain period of
time and maintain that property etc. Then, with conditions met I
will own property freehold without further fees after set period.
Some of those properties, depending on distance and location
can/do turn into permanent homes.