Thread: Anti WD- 40
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Default Anti WD- 40

"Andrew McKay" wrote in message
On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 12:30:59 +0100, Chris wrote:

My favorites use for WD-40 is removing the top cover off my printer
ribbons (dot Matrix) giving a good spray on to the dried up ribbon and
left to stand over night.

I have a horror story regarding WD40.

I bought a small shredder from a local supplier a while back. It was
hardly used, just the occasional scrap of paper.

A couple of weeks back my wife decided to have a good clearout of bank
statements and the like going back over 20 years (heaven knows why we
kept this stuff so long, but that's another story).

Anyway, after a few sheets the shredder started jamming. So I said "no
problem, I've got a can of shredder oil". I'd bought that shredder oil
in the same office supplier, and it was clearly marked "shredder

Within a nanosecond of spraying the shredder mechanism we both said

Not too many sheets later and the shredder was bu****ed. I stripped it
out and all the grease had been removed from the shredder bearings.
Shredder was binned.


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I also have a bad habit of hoarding this kind of financial information - I'm
told by my accountant that I really shouldn't. The reason? Tax. Now, I
spend good money making sure that I pay the correct amount of tax - what I;m
supposed to, but no more. Life and the IR being what it is, though, it is
always likely that a routine check could come my way. Documentation has to
be kept for a statutory amount of time, 6years IIRC. IR investigations can
go back only 6 years, BUT, if they find any anomolies (and there's no lower
limit on this), they can go back another 6 years. But not if you don't have
the documentation (and that is, AIUI, completely legal)!

Think I'll buy a shredder, and the correct oil!

Another incorrect oil usage horror anecdote is when I was first learning to
play a brass instrument back in junior school. One of the kids was moved
onto a trombone. Delicate instruments, trombones.... he took it home, and
within the first week or two the slide was sticking slightly (oiling
generally only took place during weekly lessons). His dad decided that the
best thing was "ultra-thin oil" which turned out to be ... 3-in-1 !!!! Of
course the slide action after that was something as easy as trying to run
through a thick mud pool. The brass teacher spent about 30 minutes with
washing up liquid trying to flush all remnants of that stuff out.... at
that age I don't think I understood half of the words that he uttered.


Richard Sampson

email me at
richard at olifant d-ot co do-t uk