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Fletis Humplebacker
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(Doug Miller)

Wow, so many errors, it's hard to know where to begin.

But you did a ***really *** good job of introducing errors and
distortions, you must've known where to begin. Where did you get
your copy of the talking points:

But you did a ***really *** good job of introducing errors and
distortions, you must've known where to begin. Where did you get
your copy of the talking points:

How exactly did GWB "hide behind his daddy's skirt"? The war ended
some fifteen years before GHWD became President.

Being admitted to the Texas Nat Guard at all, getting a flyboy job,
skipping flight physical w/no record of hearing, skipping attendance
to go play in Alamaba. He never made up his time - the payroll computer
records show he made up *other* time he missed.

National Guard pilots were flying in Nam, up to 50 percent were from the
Guard at times. The plane Bush was trained on was put out to pasture. But
I wonder how many of you malcontents had a problem with Clinton's
military accomplishments?

We'll pass over the DWI and drug abuse allegations.

Yes, it's good to do both because after scouring the known universe
for dirt they couldn't find evidence of drugs and no liberal seems to have
problems with Kennedy driving his car into the river and killing a gal.

The "Bush machine" has done nothing to "discredit Viet Nam vets". Some
veterans groups *not* affiliated with or funded by the Bush campaign
are attempting to discredit _one particular_ Viet Nam vet, who happens
to be the Democrat nominee.

Hah hah ha, guess you haven't heard about the campaign lawyer / SWBT
laywyer resigning because of the conflict of interest.

Wrong. I listened to him last night and that wasn't the reason. He said there
was nothing illegal about it and his democrat alternatives across the street do
the same thing. He resigned to avoid specualtion and further allegations. Not
that any liberals would stoop to such low tactics.

That same Democrat nominee has, himself, done his best to discredit,
demean, besmirch, and libel Viet Nam vets, in his 1971 Senate
testimony. So I think you're a little confused about who's
anti-veteran here.

Thank you so much. Everytime one of your ilk say this stuff,
somewhere an undecided voter thinks, "At least he went to Vietnam
instead of hiding behind Daddy's skirts".

How so? He served in the military instead of lying about a draft notice
like Bill Clinton. You really are confused.

Why don't you tell us about YOUR guy's positive accomplishements???


The economy is doing great in a worldwide recession, no terrorists since
911. Taliban brought down. Saddam brought down, Libia feeling the
heat rolls over, etc. Kerry's accomplishments are....? Your turn.