Thread: NOOB
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Bob Schmall
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Default NOOB

How about a nice trip to north central Wisconsin for classes from an expert?

I did it and can recommend them.


"Greg Ostrom" wrote in message
Where does one go(locally) to find someone who will teach me how to use

planes. I don't see any courses in my community colleges. I see various
private courses around the country that I might go to in a few months but

wonder how to find a person sooner than that. I have Hack's book. My

is an antiques buff so I have half a dozen planes in various stages of
rusting/rot that she picked up at garage sales. With a lot of work I have
gotten them 'better' but I can't imagine actually using them. I have

hours sharpening each of them but I find it is time to see an expert

than just reading more books.
My local Woodcraft store has classes but again it will be many months

they get around to this subject.
Any suggestions?

Barrington, Illinois(40m NW of Chicago)