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Default Deoderant advertises suicide?

On Wed, 16 Jun 2021 05:40:45 +1000, "Rod Speed"

Rod Speed wrote
Rod Speed wrote

Well, I think you have to put dire warnings on everything these days.

No you dont with the obvious stuff.

It is hard to find anything in the consumer marketplace
that doesn't have some kind of warning.

Thats bull**** with all of gasoline, diesel, tap
water, rivers, the ocean, roads etc etc etc.

You have never seen a US gas pump then I guess.

Guess again.

This is the typical label along with a big "No Smoking" sign.

Thats not typical.

Yes it is. You are just ignorant of things you speak of

In a lot of places there is a warning stuffed in your
water bill warning about things in the water.

But none on the taps. Kids never see the water bill.

And none in my water bill.

You live in another country. Don't talk about **** you don't know.

Roads are full of warning signs.

But none that say you might get run over or be involved in an accident.

So are rivers and ponds

They dont all have signs saying you might drown.

Try again.

They have signs warning of swift currents, pollution and alligators.