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mm0fmf[_2_] mm0fmf[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 267
Default OT: Manual or automatic gearbox? and XC60 opinion...

On 07/06/2021 14:55, Dave Plowman (News) wrote:

A decent modern auto will usually select the same gear as a skilled diver
would too. And better than many.

My ZF 8 speed auto is stunningly clever at getting the right ratio and
the TC to locks up very quickly. It's an absolute joy to drive. I was
reluctant at first having had 3 old 3 speed auto cars in the past (VP
Princess R, Rover P5B and a Rover 3500 SD1). It took about 30mins of
driving to make me realise how naff it is having to change gear yourself
and how awful old auto 3 speed boxes were.