Thread: virgin and o2
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Jim GM4DHJ ... Jim GM4DHJ ... is offline
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Default virgin and o2

On 06/06/2021 10:14, Jethro_uk wrote:
On Sat, 05 Jun 2021 20:51:37 +0100, Jim GM4DHJ ... wrote:

So how are virgin going to cock up o2 now then and what will happen to
my no longer available short lived o2 3 2 1 payg tarrif ? .... and does
it mean virgin will now come on to 900 Megs or will o2 lose 900 megs ?

15 years ago I wondered why VM could not manage to offer a deal for a
household that was POTS, TV, internet *and* mobile on a single package
(or "bundle" as they loved calling them).

The only logical conclusion was their stellar incompetence - a lot of
people would have gone for it just out of simplicity.

they can stuff their bundles