On 02/06/2021 20:33, Rod Speed wrote:
They would put their nose under the bit of horseshoe on their side,
and lift it up.
Not possible as he shows at 75 secs
Some might use their lips.
Again, not possible to lift the ring that way for a horse.
American barn doors are typically solid up to about 4 feet, and the
bit above has vertical bars essentially like prison bars, in a
box-section frame. To unlatch, you grip the bar nearest the opening,
and slide it upwards a few inches. They are quite stiff. But once a
horse has figured it out, it uses its nose or lips to do what you
would do with your hand.
But that isnt possible with his gate latch. Only a human or monkey can
lift the ring.
He might make that claim and it might be true for cattle.
But the whole of the moving bit is solid, so it could be raised from the
horseshoe by applying a suitable moment as well as a straight upwards
force. Horses can untie knots with their teeth, I am confident that some
could defeat that. And mules even more so.