Because they werent responsible for it.
Commander Kinsey wrote
It was caused by severe negligence
- unsanitary conditions in wet meat markets.
That isnt clear and everyone has wet markets for fish.
If a company accidentally outputs a load of nuclear waste and kills
millions of people, they would be held accountable.
Doesn't happen.
"There are only two ways it was released: by accident due to incompetence
at Wuhan Lab or the CCP had the virus weaponized and released on purpose.
Only fools run that line. It actually moved from animals
to humans, just like SARS, various influenzas, ebola, Hendra
and MERS did. It just happened to do that at Wuhan and
was a more important pandemic than the others.
Of course this would be construed as an act of war, an act of economic
Only by pig ignorant fools.
Either way the CCP is responsible for the release of COVID-19 virus and
damages incurred.
More mindless silly stuff.
When I make a mistake and my mistake causes damages to another party, I
have a responsibility to pay for those damages. Why then is no one asking
for damages from the CCP?"
There is no evidence of any mistake made.