OT: Windows 10 account issue
On 22/04/2021 09:54, Tricky Dicky wrote:
On Wednesday, April 21, 2021 at 8:59:39 PM UTC+1, SH wrote:
On 21/04/2021 20:43, newshound wrote:
On 21/04/2021 19:58, Tricky Dicky wrote:
I keep getting an issue after logging on with a pop up message
appearing saying there is a problem with my account. On acting on the
message up comes a window repeating the message and a button to fix
the problem. On pressing the fix button I am asked to input my PIN
again, the same one I have already typed in to log in. Entering the
pin solves the problem for a while but after a few log ins the same
happens again. Is there a cure or is it something I have to live with?
In order to get a response more tailored to what is going on in your
case, could you write down exactly what the pop up message says?
Likewise for any boxes with fix buttons, etc.
Generally, searching online for the exact wording brings up a bunch of
links explaining both what the problem is and how to fix it.