OT: Windows 10 account issue
On 21/04/2021 20:43, newshound wrote:
On 21/04/2021 19:58, Tricky Dicky wrote:
I keep getting an issue after logging on with a pop up message
appearing saying there is a problem with my account. On acting on the
message up comes a window repeating the message and a button to fix
the problem. On pressing the fix button I am asked to input my PIN
again, the same one I have already typed in to log in. Entering the
pin solves the problem for a while but after a few log ins the same
happens again. Is there a cure or is it something I have to live with?
I get something very like this too, I suspect it might be because I have
two different "outlook" emails as well as an MS account for my Office
subscription, and something is getting confused somewhere. Periodically,
I try to align the accounts and then give up in despair.
Did you ever sign up to a "free" Office 365 account with one set of user
name and password
and then
later sign up for a Paid Office365 account?
Windows 10 then gets into a tizzy about the two Office 365 accounts,
particularly if one of them is linked to yoru Windows 10 account at MS.