Thread: Ceilings 1970's
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Brian Gaff \(Sofa\) Brian Gaff \(Sofa\) is offline
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Default Ceilings 1970's

I have it on some outside walls. It was just put there with ordinary thick
paste at the time. There was also some wall and ceiling paper made from it,
but thinner, not recall the name, Novamura or something like it.
It absorbs paint like a sponge though.


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"Derek" wrote in message
When I moved into my house in 1975 all the ceilings were done with
polystyrene type materia.It was about the same width as a roll of wallpaper
and must have came in rolls. When you look up at it looks like all the
pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and it is very hard to paint if ceiling gets dirty
from smoke. Does anyone know the name of this material? I would like to
remove it but am afraid to start . Has anyone ever removed this and is it
hard to remove. There is also polystyrene? coving round the walls as well.