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After the War, the Supreme Court ruled that it was Constitutional to detain
the Japanese who became naturalized, but that it was unConstitutional to
have detained their children. This is an oversimplification of a complex
set of rulings, but it is all laid out in Chief Justice Rhenquist's 1996
book "Civil Liberties and War". However, I suspect it lies at the heart of
why detain Muslims with demonstrable ties to Al queda financial links, but
we do not harass those who go to Mosques. The Internment rulings are an
example of the Living Constitution; that even there, we "live and learn".

This same Justice heads the Court which just roundly rejected President
Bush's attempts to detain people (citizens or not, in the US or not) without
due process. But there go those activist judges again. After reading the
book, it will seem that some smarmy operative in the Whitehouse had read
this 1996 book and thought they found a blueprint for getting around due
process by using Gitmo. However, anyone who read and UNDERSTOOD the book
before the actual rulings came, was confident that the Court would not
accept the Executive's behavior. Jim Rozen, remember I had encouraged you
to seek this book out.

As the phrase goes, "The Devil is in the details". Our understanding of
specific events typically changes as we learn the details. In no small
way, this lies at the heart of the discomfort of many who question the
utility of a President who prides himself in not reading newspapers and who
repeatedly states he "goes with his gut".

While I am not sure how the detention of Japans citizens fits into this
discussion of the future, it does provide an opportunity to highlight the
importance of knowing the details of an event, not just the Headline.

To the issue at hand. It is interesting Gov. Weld's most damning criticism
of John Kerry (whom he knows quite well) is that in times when important
decisions need to be made, Kerry may "think too much".

Regardless, I was in Harrisburg last night. This is the Republican
stronghold of Central Pennsylvania. Twenty thousand people waited for 4
hours in 80 degree heat on concrete to hear their candidate.

On exiting the rally, there was a Republican counter rally situated right in
the middle of the exit where 20,000 people HAD to pass. The 20,000 people
quietly smiled as we politely parted to pass them by. All six (6) of them.

Quite a metaphor. Whatever happened to that Republican war room we heard so
much about at the beginning of the week?

I think the Republican party will have to come up with some reason for
Americans to vote Republican other than the obvious fact that Kerry is " Not


Dewey Clark
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"Gunner" wrote in message
On Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:48:24 -0400, "???" wrote:

This is why George Bush stand out as the ONLY President who actually
promotes fear of the future as part of his campaign. And I reject it.

Btw..just how many American citizens of Japanese ancestry did FDR put
into concentration camps to die, again?

As to seems that the only platform the Dems have is based on
fear. Fear of 4 more years of Bush.

God knows they dont give any details about their plank or platform.
Just more Anti-Bush rhetoric.

Too bad Clinton wasnt a bit more fear oriented. If he had been, those
4 airliners would not have killed 3000 Americans, the Cole wouldnt
have been bombed etc

Then of course..he did manage to cause fear in the Davidians as he
burned them to death. Shrug..but hey..what were a few religious nut
cases who wished only to be left alone. Its not like they were
Islamic fundimentalist extremists whom you wish to kiss the arses of.

Why not take a vow of poverty and donate all of your money to the DNC.
You will simply be getting a head start on the rest of the nation, if
Kerry wins.


"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child -
miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied,
demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless.
Liberalism is a philosphy of sniveling brats." -- P.J. O'Rourke