Thread: Clutch failure?
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T i m T i m is offline
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Default Clutch failure?

On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 10:06:05 +0100, "NY" wrote:


I don't drive like a granny but then I don't drive
like a bat out of hell either: somewhere in between. And I try to match the
engine speed to the new gear to minimise the amount of clutch slipping -
unlike someone who once gave me a lift who had been taught to come right off
the power, change gear, let up the clutch on an idling engine, and then
re-apply power, which must have caused horrendous wear on the clutch... and
on the passengers! She was gobsmacked when I rather tentatively said that
there was a better way of doing it,

A garage owning mate looked after a granny's car and she was often
bringing it in because she had misjudged the width of her drive
entrance and taken it down the wall on one side or another, or more
regularly, a new clutch. ;-(

He went out for a drive with her a few times to try to help her drive
better but eventually gave up.

The reason for the excessive clutch wear was that she typically set
the revs (till she could hear the engine) and than controlled the
speed on the clutch.

To try to assist her he put small stickers on the speedo, recommending
speed she changed gear and another on the rev counter indicating what
should be 'sufficient' to do most things but it didn't help.

*Luckily*, and with pressure from her granddaughter, she gave her the
car (before she wrecked it completely) on the understanding that she
drove her to church once a week. ;-)

Cheers, T i m