Thread: Clutch failure?
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Scott[_17_] Scott[_17_] is offline
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Default Clutch failure?

On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 09:00:51 +0100, The Natural Philosopher

On 01/07/2019 21:37, David Wade wrote:
On 01/07/2019 21:24, Scott wrote:
I am wondering if my clutch is on the way out.* The biting point seems
to be getting higher, the engine sometimes speeds up during gear
changes and the car seems less lively on hills.* Vehicle has done
nearly 70,000 miles.* Does this sound like a clutch issue?


If I just wait and see, how much warning would I get?* Would I know
when a new clutch is needed or would I just come to an unplanned halt
one day?

Mostly they slip in top gear first.

Thanks. It does seem to be worse in fifth.

You can limp for a week or two

But more clutch slip will wear the plate out fatser, and if its you
that's already worn it out, well...

Modern clutches shouldl NOT wear out: not unless its a taxicab.

I bought the vehicle second hand so I am blaming someone else. .