Thread: Clutch failure?
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Fredxx[_3_] Fredxx[_3_] is offline
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Default Clutch failure?

On 01/07/2019 22:17, Tim+ wrote:
Vir Campestris wrote:
On 01/07/2019 21:24, Scott wrote:
I am wondering if my clutch is on the way out. The biting point seems
to be getting higher, the engine sometimes speeds up during gear
changes and the car seems less lively on hills. Vehicle has done
nearly 70,000 miles. Does this sound like a clutch issue?

If I just wait and see, how much warning would I get? Would I know
when a new clutch is needed or would I just come to an unplanned halt
one day?

I think you've had your warning...

Pick a gear that won't easily exceed the speed limit.

Accelerate hard from low revs, through the peak torque of the engine.

The engine speed should increase smoothly.

If it seems to rise sharply, then stop going up, your clutch is slipping.

It may be that simple adjustment can fix it.

Car clutches are adjustable? How does that work?

Some were, where you could adjust the free travel. Rare nowadays.

I can see how a stretched cable, poor set up or other cause might lead to a
clutch that doesnt fully disengage. I cant see how any adjustment would
make it engage more firmly.

Even cable clutches are usually self adjusting and take up stretched
cable slack, or slacken with clutch wear.

Or it may be new clutch time.

It is.

Very likely.