Thread: Building a wall
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Roland Perry Roland Perry is offline
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Default Building a wall

In message , at 11:56:33 on Fri, 21 Jun
2019, Andrew remarked:
On 20/06/2019 14:49, Roland Perry wrote:
In message , at 07:05:04 on Thu, 20 Jun
2019, The Natural Philosopher remarked:

I'm hoping that a hybrid approach will reduce:
*the depth of foundations

Building control dicattes that

But would they be less than a classic all-brick cavity wall?

the overall wall thickness
*...compared to a conventional cavity brick wall plus plaster.
*I'm even happy if it turns out to be more insulated.
*It'll have a fairly lightweight flat [yes, I know] roof.

First of all the easy way to build this is inside out. Put up the
stufdwork* cover the ouside with semi permeable, whack in nails and
use those to key the external cladding brickwork to it

Unfortunately there's no access to the outside, because it's up
against a fence (that's the main reason it has no windows[1]). But
I'm told the planning people still need it to be brick (conservation
area, red line etc etc), in case the fence falls down and people can

[1] In that wall, ventilation will be in other walls.

So how will the bricky 'rub' the joints if it is bang up against
a fence panel (presumably not yours) ?.

It's not going to be literally touching, perhaps a three inch gap.
Roland Perry