Thread: Building a wall
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Roland Perry Roland Perry is offline
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Default Building a wall

In message , at 23:34:35 on
Wed, 19 Jun 2019, Roger Hayter remarked:
Roland Perry wrote:

And because the Mexicans aren't paying for it, I'm looking for something
adequate (and which meets any regs) but not over-engineered.

It'll be an outside wall, no windows, and from the outside in:

One thickness of bricks

Do you mean one brick (ie the metrified version of 9")? Or half a
brick (do.) 41/2"?

I mean like half of a cavity wall.

Are you interested in meeting building regulation standards?

"which meets any regs" which was shorthand for "which meets any
appropriate regs" which is shorthand again for "meets all appropriate

If you mean a half brick, I should recommend a maximum height of about
900mm without buttresses.

From a structural point of view, single-brick garages don't seen to fall
down very often. But some modest buttresses would be OK as long as they
don't prejudice the insulation value. Any vertical loading applied
inside would be carried by the studwork, so we are mainly interested in
the brick wall not topping over.
Roland Perry