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NoOne N Particular
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Default Political Campaign Funding

Bush and Kerry are both jerks.


I agree 100% that both are jerks.

But if Kerry is elected you won't have to contribute. The money will be
taken right out of your paycheck by the IRS. I heard most of Kerry's speech
and what I heard was spend spend spend, and very little about how he was
going to pay for anything. The national health care alone (which the
federal government should NOT even be involved in) will add trillions to the
federal budget, and that alone will mandate stiff tax increases. As if the
tax burden wasn't already way too heavy. The only thing he mentioned about
that was rolling back the tax cuts for the rich. That ain't gonna be NEARLY
enough to pay for even one of his programs, and personally I think it is
discrimination, and yet another way that the Democrats penalize success in
this country. We desperately need a flat tax (15% should be just fine).

As for the fear factor, you should be afraid. What would you be saying
after having Kerry tell you that everything is fine and rosy, and then
Washington, DC gets nuked? Those fanatic extremists out there have been
organizing and planning for many years (yes, even before Clinton) but
somehow I suppose the Democrats are saying that is Bush's fault too! It's
kinda funny just how much the Democrats are blaming on Bush, and just how
much of their own blame is being swept under the carpet. I think letting
people know as much about the reality of what is happening is better than
trying to sugar coat everything. This country WILL have a better future,
but we are in one of the those "periodic threats like Secession, WWI, WWII,
Atomic War, Sept. 11" that you speak of, and unfortunately this battle is
just beginning. Bush will do a better job of getting us through it than
Kerry. Sure it's a drag on our economy, sure it is causing some concerns
for investors, but the economy is still growing. On 9/10, investors still
had a good outlook and were not aware of what was coming (this IS Bush's
fault to some extent). Look what happened to the market after 9/11. You
also say that the world is no more or no less dangerous than on 9/10. Are
you sure? While I agree that the world is still a very dangerous place, I
don't think it is quite as bad as 9/10. Even some of the Arab states are
starting to show signs that terrorism is not in their best interests and are
taking some baby steps to help stop it.

It is the Democrats that have been spreading the fear. I'm sure you
remember the speech that Gore gave where he started ranting about how Bush
played on our fears? You tell me with a straight face that isn't EXACTLY
what GORE was doing. HE was promoting fear. Some other Democrats have been
doing the same thing. They are trying to make everyone afraid to vote for
Bush, and it looks like their dirty tricks have worked on you.

Fear of the future? I'll bet that all of the former presidents you named
warned people of troubled times ahead. But you have started believing all
that Democrat lip service that Bush is promoting fear of the future. If
Bush is the only president that has done this, why were so many bomb
shelters built back in the 50's/60's? I wonder what Eisenhower must have
said to cause that? What was the purpose of Kennedy's address regarding
missiles in Cuba and the soviet threat they posed to Americans? And Reagan
gave many speeches speaking of the Soviet threat. Lincoln, Washington,
Truman, Roosevelt, and even Nixon to some extent didn't have the instant and
enormously powerful access to the media that we have today. But I would bet
that if thay had, you would have removed their names from your list too.

As for you saying "George Bush's whole theme has been simple. You HAVE to
vote for me or else
the whole Country will go to Hell." That he is "the only one". The only
difference between Bush and Kerry in this regard is that Kerry is saying
that the whole country has already gone to hell, and you have to vote for
him because he is the only one that can fix it. Give me a break.

I'm not even going to talk about the Constitution except to say that BOTH
parties have been using it to wipe their asses for far too long.

Your statement "I am rejecting George Bush's argument that he is the only
one who can prevent the horror lurking in our future." is no different from
Kerry. Both of them are saying that they are the only one. It's an
election year and you are listening to campaign speeches. What do you
expect them to say? Look at actions, not words. Bush has a short track
record, but I think it is . . .ok. Kerry has no track record. His military
service is not what he claims it to be, his actions after he returned to the
states and his "medal throwing" incident are abhorent, and his senatorial
career is very lack luster. He is a nothing and then adds a shyster lawyer
to the ticket. You saw what happened to the market just by Kerry announcing
Edwards as his running mate. How much did it drop?

To me, this election is not about who to vote for, but who to vote against.
I don't like either one of the candidates, and haven't liked any candidate
for years. I will not vote for Kerry, nor will I vote for Bush. But I am
going to vote against Kerry. Kerry is more Socialist than Democrat, and he
will say anything to get himself elected. At least with Bush, ya know
what ya got.

I'm not a Bush fan by any stretch of the imagination. There are many things
I don't like about him such as his spending like a Democrat, he has his head
up Vincente Fox's ass (meaning the border with Mexico is wide open), and he
isn't doing enough to save manufacturing jobs in this country to name a few.
I'm not sure what can be done to save the manufacturing jobs since it is
wages, medical costs, and taxes (among other things) that are killing us,
but I haven't even heard him talk about it.


By the way, if you want to learn more about John Kerry's Vietnam service, go
he Unfortunately there isn't a corresponding
site for Bush.