Thread: Fusion power
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Dave Plowman (News) Dave Plowman (News) is offline
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Default Fusion power

In article ,
Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sat, 30 Jun 2018 11:57:38 +0100, Tim Streater wrote:

We will be more democratic as we will be ruled by elected governments
again, instead of by an unelected oligarchy that we cannot remove.

These people that crave a 'Big Brother' style of fascistic, autocratic
government such as that represented by the EU most likely suffer from an
insecure attachment pattern; a condition arising from early childhood
when the infant's needs were not consistently met by its principle care-
giver. This fosters life-long anxieties, raised cortisol levels and a
desperate need to have every facet of their lives rigidly set out in
stone for them to follow. In the absence of same, they typically grow up
to become fat, tragic, unemployable wasters constantly feeling
threatened and undermined by those who are not similarly afflicted.
Sad, really.

Never mind. Keep at the therapy. You'll be fixed eventually. Hopefully.

*I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize *

Dave Plowman London SW
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