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JoeJoe JoeJoe is offline
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Default BT Broadband - Hows much should I be paying?

On 01/07/2017 20:04, Harry Bloomfield wrote:
Dave Plowman (News) expressed precisely :
I sincerely hope TalkTalk have improved their service. I ended up with
them by default after several ISP takeovers. And they were the pits.
Regular outages. And days to get them fixed as in their opinion it was
always 'my' end. And even worse comms.

We began with NTHell, which had lots of issues. Then we were with
Tiscali for many years, then TT took them over. T had been not
brilliant, but passable. With TT there were email delays, newsgroups
access blocked, talking to their indian help desk impossible. The final
straw was the TT hacking, the spam emails and spam phone calls and the
cost kept rising.

So here I am on Plusnet, a really welcome relief from the stress of
dealing with TT. TT seem to be trying to sell their service on every
street corner - a good service, with good value, sells itself.

If you change ISP's, your old email address seems to continue to work
for receive only - so no reason to panic about switching and losing
incoming mail.

I had no idea people still rely on their ISP email address... It
reminds me of the days when you had to change your mobile number every
time you moved network.

Why not simply use gmail (or similar) that can be collected using POP
and IMAP, or better still register a cheap domain and have your own
email addresses forever?