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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default can not get gas grill to light

On 4/13/2017 7:47 PM, Andy wrote:
I can not get my gas grill to light.

This is what I have tried.

1. Tank is full

2. Ignitor is sparking

3. Have even tried putting burning paper next to burner

What else can I check ?

OPD. Tank is how full? There is an overfill protection valve in the
tank that shuts it off under certain circumstances such as a broken
valve. When you put on a full tank it sometimes activates. '

Let it sit. Turn off the gas, turn off the tank. After a minute,
slowly open the tank valve, then open the burner valves and try lighting
it. Once the tank level comes down a bit you won't have the problem.

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