Thread: Win 7 or XP?
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Default Win 7 or XP?

On 01/29/2017 02:19 PM, Diesel wrote:
Why forget XP? Is it security concerns or lack of upcoming
software/driver support? If the latter, I can understand your
position, if the former, I'd say you've been drinking a lot of scare
mongering MS based koolaid. XP hasn't magically opened the barn door
and let all the horses out just because MS no longer supports it.

If you're running XP and it does what you want there is no problem with
it. I still have an XP machine at work that is one of my build boxes.

BUT a lot of software will no longer install on it if you need a new
version for any reason. 32-bit machines are becoming problematic
regardless of the OS. The last 32-bit Chrome version was released a
while back. It works as well as it ever did but it's also the end of the