Thread: Hankook tires
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philo philo is offline
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Default Hankook tires

On 01/28/2017 12:35 PM, rbowman wrote:
On 01/28/2017 10:17 AM, philo wrote:

Bought it because it's a hatch back. Though a smaller car, can hold a
hell of a lot. More than some SUV's I've been in.

I've had two Yaris hatchbacks that are sort of mini-pickups. Even back
in the '80's I traded an '80 Camaro in for a '82 Firebird when the new
design was a hatchback.

Hatchbacks have never done well in the US, particularly the 2 door
models and I never could figure out why. You could get 4x8 sheets of
plywood in the Firebird. What more could you want? When you were through
hauling stuff, close the hatch and it was more stylish than the cowboy
Cadillacs like the Ranchero.

I like my hatchback and it's a four door.

With the seats up just about the same as any other passenger car