Thread: R. Cott. 12
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Tim Lamb[_2_] Tim Lamb[_2_] is offline
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Default R. Cott. 12

In message , Charles F

"Tim Lamb" wrote in message
First fix wiring started.

Also.. has anyone used a thermal store rather than a megaflow.
Plumbing and inspection issues?

-- Tim Lamb

Yes to thermal store - home brew (s/steel hot cylinder, normal central
heating pump, plate heat exchanger, and
flow switch with homebrew electronics) about 8 years ago. No inspection
issues, as the cylinder is non pressurised with a small header tank.
There is inhibiter in the cylinder - still original, and looks OK so
far. No complications re DHW plumbing - almost all in 15mm, as mains
pressure is (via reduction valve) about 3.5bar.

I did take the precaution of having valves and capped pipe stubs on the
DHW side of the heat exchanger, which lets me isolate and pump (via old
central heating pump) descaler through the plates every few years to
stop it liming up - might be worth a thought, as the heat exchanger is
likely to be the most difficult item to source or replace.

Otherwise it just works.....

All hot water will be softened here (East of the Chiltern Hills!) but
good to know a satisfied user. Roughly what is the cylinder volume and
usage? Daughters seem to use an inordinate amount of hot water when
Tim Lamb