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TomR[_3_] TomR[_3_] is offline
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Default Grab Bars in a Shower Stall

In news Arnie Goetchius typed:
TomR wrote:
In ,
Stormin' Norman typed:
On Thu, 24 Nov 2016 07:09:09 -0700, Charles Bishop

I've been asked to help install grab bars in an (E) tiled shower
stall. What is the best way to do this? Ordinarily I'd drill a hole
through the tile and whatever is behind it -mortar, greenwall, or
backer board and install the grab bar with toggle bolts.

I got to wondering though that if I drill a hole large enough for a
toggle bolt to go through, I might be weakening the wall enough
that holding onto the grab bar might pull some tiles loose,
leading to additional work.

Additionally, the house is an older one, having been built in late
50's or 60's so it's likely there is a mortar bed - it looks to be
the original tile. If the mortar crumbles around the hole, the
toggle bolt will be pulling on the tile, maybe.

Also, check out the many videos that are available at . I went there and I did a search for "grab bars
for shower" and I found plenty of excellent videos.

One that I thought was interesting (although I don't know if I would
use that product) was:

Here is another video using a Moen grab bar that does not require you
to fasten to a stud.

Interesting YouTube video. Thanks. It seems to use a style of brace behind
the wall that is similar to the one that I had found in a different video.
However, this Moen video shows how they base their claim that the device is
strong enough to meet all applicable codes. So, maybe it does work.