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[email protected] is offline
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Default OT - Charitable Requests Overwhelming

I have saved all charitable requests received in the mail since about the middle of October,
just for curiosity. As of this morning, I have more than 40 requests for support.
There may be some duplicates in the pile, I didn't make any effort to sort out and throw out duplicates.
I use Charity Navigator as my primary screening tool, as well as those local charities my wife and I
are personally acquainted with. It still is a huge amount of effort to relieve my wife and myself
of our hard-earned pension and savings. What do other folks do?

I pick out a few worthy causes and donate what I can...the rest go
directly into the recycle bin.

Same here. I don't know of a Canadian version of Charity Navigator
- so when I am researching a new cause, I will go to the Revenue
Canada web site and look for the charity's salary and admin costs
and try to determine if it's worth a donation ..
Also - I now avoid the big charity lottery games - the $ 100.
ticket ones - far too much goes to overpaid lottery people -
rather than the actual charity.
John T.