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Chris Holford[_4_] Chris Holford[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 107
Default Two wires in one plug?

In article , damduck-
On Sun, 11 Sep 2016 13:59:02 +0100, Andy Burns

Graeme wrote:

Our house, when I was a child, was built 1953/54 with minimal
room sockets. When I was a little older, I wired a lot of stuff two to
a plug.

Double adapters plugged into triple adapters not good enough for you? :-P

At a school near home some of the teachers accommodation was in a
wooden framed building clad in galvanized iron and apparently was very
cold in winter They also did not have to pay for their electric.
. An electrician mate of my dad was called in to replace some wiring
after some smoke had been seen coming out from some cabling and a
burning smell.

He found in a teachers room 1x15 amp leading to 8x 5amp adapters of a
type that could be plugged in end on with a diagonal branch off with
about 6 ancient fires plugged in. The end of the line adapters was
supported on some books to stop it tilting down.
Presumbly this master was not one of the physics teachers but OTOH
having met some of the burkes there I wouldn't have been surprised.


Saw this setup at the London Piano Museum (near Kew Bridge Pumping
Station) many Years ago. I commented on it and was told "-it's OK, I'm
an electrician"
Chris Holford