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Posted to uk.d-i-y,
Brian Gaff Brian Gaff is offline
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Default OT the blonde and the two blacks

Actually, one other funny last night was one of the new police said, we
don't want people to be frightened of us, we are approachable please talk to
us, yeah right, itf you are female and blonde you might get away with that,
but I'd be worried if I looked aribic and wandered up toward one that I'd
get shot full of holes.

In my view, Londons police tend toward thinking stereotypically much as you
suggest in your initial post.

Do they really think that people willing to die for whatever warped cause
they think they are representing will care if the place is swaming with
armed police? If they are going to die anyway, where is the difference?

They would be better off having sniffer dogs.

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"Bill Wright" wrote in message
I had to laugh. BBC TV news last night, main item was the increase in
anti-terrorist police activity. So they showed the police stopping a blonde
white woman to find out if she was a terrorist and then they interviewed
three members of the public to ask what they thought about the terrorists.
The first two were not white. So the BBC want us to think that anyone could
be a terrorist and the immigrants are the victims of terrorism. What a load
of arse.
