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Dan S. MacAbre[_4_] Dan S. MacAbre[_4_] is offline
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Posts: 718
Default Flies (fruit) in compost caddy - remedy?

Phil L wrote:
David wrote:
With the unexpected arrival of warm weather we seem to be plagued by
little flies (probably fruit flies) breeding inside the compost caddy.

We empty it regularly (every day or so) and wash it out but the flies
are there again very quickly.

I understand that the eggs arrive on fresh fruit and vegetables so
there will be a constant supply.

The only solution (wait for it) I've seen advocated is to build a
fruit fly trap from a jam jar with a bit of banana skin (because
fruit flies like a banana) and some cider vinegar as bait.

Blasting your future compost (or at least the Council's) with fly
spray seems non-green.

Any other sensible solutions?

Have you tried a lid of some sort?

I've one with a lid - but they seem to be able to 'home in' on the
rotting vegetation (and even a glass of beer) quite accurately and
persistently. AFAICT, the only solution is to empty it into the outdoor
compst bin daily, rather than every few days, as you might do in Winter.