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dicegeorge dicegeorge is offline
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Default Joists on purlin tip, something needed in between to spred the load?

On Sunday, June 5, 2016 at 3:32:11 PM UTC+1, Cursitor Doom wrote:
On Sun, 05 Jun 2016 04:54:01 -0700, DICEGEORGE wrote:

my new flat roof joists are going to sit on the purlin,
but it seems wrong to have them sitting on the point at the top,
so should I make pieces of wood to sit in between and spread the load,
how to do this so that they'll last a hundred years and not split?

photo at:

fbid=10154177270524882&set=a.10150328836674882.395 536.666809881&type=3&theater


I know exactly what you mean. Been there; done that. But unless you can
cut those angles to *precisely* match those of the rafters (presumably
90') and perfectly in line with them laterally then it's not going to
make for any improvement. And that's not really a DIY job.

Or cut some wood off the top of the old oak purlin in line with new joists?

Or make 2 triangular wedge shape bits of wood for each side?
(this wouldnt work on the left where I need the joists a bit higher)

Car body filler would crumble wouldnt it as the roof flexes over time?
